Succulent Garden

Imagine a small plantlet potted in a small pot near your window sill. Imagine how rejuvenating it would be to look at that tiny plantlet full of life and breathing out what you breathe in. And, suppose several plantlets grouped up together in a place as big as your garden. Mesmerizing?! Read more to learn about this.

succulent garden
Burro’s tail.

And, ever dared to try something mainstream like creating a succulent garden?

Succulent Gardens:

A succulent garden consists of ‘succulents’ or plants that are rich in water or juice to be more precise. Simply put, plants with ‘fleshy’ leaves, stem or roots, fall under the category of succulents. Bursting with the quality of stunning looks and stylish characteristics, succulents invite anyone passing by to get a ‘touch’ of it. It has turned out to be the new creative face of gardening.

A wonderful fact is that they are pretty friendly on one’s pocket, require low watering requirements, have minimal maintenance costs and consequently, are set to leave a big smile on your face. After all, who on earth would miss an opportunity as good as this?

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Jade plant.

In a country like India, where a festival of colors, ‘Holi’, forms an inseparable part of the culture, how would it feel to celebrate colors all year long? Colors are what make the world an eye-catching visual experience. Thank goodness, for succulents. Featuring colors from blue-green, chartreuse, pink, red, yellow and white to burgundy and almost black and more they present a whole lot of alternatives to choose from. Missing out on a favorite color is unheard of!

Besides the long list of colors, they also come in a variety of shapes, like being rounded, needle like, berry like, ruffled, or spiky.

Choosing Succulents:

succulent garden
Crown of thorn plant.

Succulents like Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum), Jade Plant (Crassula ovata), Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii), Hens-and-Chicks (Sempervivum tectorum or Echeveria elegans) etc. require a minimal amount of watering. The reason being that because of the fleshy and juicy bodies of succulents, they can store water in them and in fact, if over watered, their roots may rot. Succulents seem to be able to thrive in the winter, even without much watering! Do water them occasionally, though.

If that is not enough to lure you into creating a succulent garden, then hear this. Few succulents, for example, the Medicine Plant (Aloe vera) are endowed with medicinal values as well. Tried and tested for centuries,the healing sap of this familiar medicinal plant has been used to treat wounds and sunburn. Also, you can use it as an after shave and replace those dreaded cuts. Careful with the sharp “teeth” along the leaf margins of the Aloe vera plant. Plan accordingly and keep it away from paths normally travelled upon.

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Hens and chicks plant.

Stuffed with goodness and health, the Aloe vera requires little water and well-drained soil for its excellent sustenance. Also, it can be easily grown in a pot and demands a lot of sunlight. To extract its benefit, simply cut a small piece of its leaf, remove its teeth and peel its layer from the flat side. Apply the gel directly on the skin. Moreover, it can be used as an anti-aging agent when applied on the face and skin. Besides this, Aloe vera juice consumption plays a vital role in helping to cut down on a few kilos.

Plants have always been the best of friends for humans and when it’s succulents, they are a step ahead! You can beautify your patch of land and display the ‘floramaniac’ side of you. Certainly, you will steal the limelight! Additionally, you can stay assured that the project is eco-friendly.

succulent garden
Aloe vera.

Happy Gardening

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