Pet friendly garden

There are very few who have never thought of having pets of their own. A pet animal not just becomes your bundle of joy but he/she doubles up as a guaranteed stress buster after a tedious day at work. Read more to learn about this.

Your pet animal becomes your sedative, your buddy and the source of your beaming exuberance. However, the real problem dawns when you want to have a garden that accommodates your dearest pet yet there is the ebbing worry of the garden retaining its beauty. Having a garden and making it a space for your pet is not a far-fetched imagination – there are just few things you have to take care of and all will be well.Pet friendly garden

Things to remember and ensure for a pet-friendly garden:

➢ The framework of your garden design and contents will be directly proportional to the pet/s you have.

➢ Avoid growing plants in your garden which can be fatal for your pet if accidentally chewed. Go for plants that will not just satiate your gardening spirit but also be useful and frolicking for your pets. It is a great idea to grow plants whose vegetables, fruits or the entire plant can be relished by your pet.

➢ Create a home for beloved pet which he/she can call a den of their own.

➢ Cats and dogs have a habit of digging the ground. Since you are acutely aware of this trait of your pet, take the plunge and provide it with a digging space so that it can engage itself.

➢ If you are growing vegetables, then zero in on one side or a parallel stretch with space in between so that your pet doesn’t complain of insufficient space to play around. Dog kennel in garden

If you have a small dog these are some of the ideas you can vouch for to make your doggie or pup a welcome presence in the garden.

• Have a kennel in your garden beneath a stout tree or place the kennel like a tree house on a low sturdy branch. It will give adventurous thrill to your amigo! Don’t forget to decorate the kennel with a small-sized wind-chime so that your doggie can play with it. Make the doghouse a portrait straight out of Disneyland. Have soft smiley thermo balls and dog-friendly toys. You can also bestow your child’s toys to your pet instead of going for new ones.

• Have shady trees in the garden so that your very own tail-wagger can enjoy his afternoon siesta.

• If you have plants like rose ensure that it is properly fenced so that it remains out of the reach of your dog or else he may end up getting prickled.

• Grow swaying spray of grass as it can be a hiding space for your doggie as well indulging in swats. Dogs love to run around so having a small lawn is very important.

• Avoid encouraging your dog to have meals in the garden as it leads to an unkempt garden.

• They love digging so have a designated pit for your canine companion where it can dig like frenzy without being demotivated by you.

Now lets us delve into some ideas that you will make your cat love you even more.

• Have snuggle beds for feline companion where it can jump into and relax.

• You can grow catnip which your kitty will love to chew and benefit as it helps in digestion.

• You can also grow lemongrass for its aromatic perfume that your cat will love both for olfactory and frolicking purposes.

• Catnip and Catmint will allow your cat to roll into them. Additionally, you can make toys for whiskery buddy after plant has dried.

• Your feline friends simply love to engage itself with foliage and leaves. So go ahead and have plants like Pennyroyal and Valeria.

• Make your cat a homestead with sound producing toys and don’t encourage it have fish or milk in the garden.

For those with guinea pigs and bunny rabbit construct a circular garden with flowers encircling it. Remember Rabbit’s love for carrots in Winnie the Pooh? Don’t forget to grow carrots for bunnies. Have birdhouse to welcome your feathery friends.

The tricks to have a pet-friendly garden is to make your pet feel eternally welcome which can be achieved by willingness, safe environment, research and most importantly unconditional love for your pets.


Happy Gardening

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