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Scientific name: Allium cepa
Number of white sweet spanish onion Seeds /pkt : 25
Type of seed : Premium Heirloom Seeds
Sunlight : Full
Life-cycle : Annual
Ease-of-care: Easy

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Onions come in a range of colours and shapes and sizes. Whether harvested early for scallions (green onions), for summer meals, or winter storage, onions need rich, well-drained soil and good weed control. Tightly spaced green onions fit well in ornamental plantings. When growing onions from seed, the secret is in the preparation. If you look at how the most exhibitors grow their prize winning onions, it’s always from seed so you are already on for a good start.

Nutritional Value:
This food is very low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol and Sodium. It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin C.

Easy to grow.
Harvest in 180-240 days
Grow in seed trays, and plant out in 4-6 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed.
Best planted at soil temperatures between 8°C and 30°C.
Space plants: 5-10cm

Planting/Growing Tips:
Can be direct-seeded, grown from transplants started inside, or from sets — small bulbs about ½-inch in diameter grown from seed the previous season.
Choose a weed-free, well-drained location. Raised beds are ideal. Onions are good for intercropping with other garden plants, especially early-maturing spring greens. Do not plant where other onion family crops have been grown in the past 3 years.
Propagate by seed – To grow your own onion sets. About 2 months after planting, roll down the tops, forcing the plants to form small bulbs. (Those about the size of a dime work best.) After tops dry, clip them off, leaving about ½ inch of stem. Cure and store in a cool, dry place as you would onions for eating. Plant your sets the following spring.
Onion bulbs should sit on the surface of the soil. Do not cover. They will take six to eight months to mature. Onions are ready when the tops start to dry and fall over. Pull them and leave to dry for a few days. Store in a cool, dry airy place. Use a net bag or make a string by weaving the tops together. If you are growing from seed, when they are big enough to handle, you can plant out. They start off looking like blades of grass.

Maintenance and care:
When growing onions from seed, the secret is in the preparation. If you look at how the most exhibitors grow their prize winning onions, it’s always from seed so you are already on for a good start. To begin with you need a sunny site with good drainage but the key is to grow them in a permanent bed in order to build up the soil fertility. There is a down side to this however as you can also encourage the buildup of diseases. With that in mind it’s advisable to periodically rotate your onion bed with the rest of the vegetable garden.

The picture is an indication of type only

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Click here to know more on how to grow onions.

Check our video on best method for good germination of seeds

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