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The V-8Z Pruning Shear or Secateur from ARS Japan with its extremely sharp blades and smooth grip is for professional to semi-professional usage. It can be used for smoothly pruning stems, small branches etc. It is bigger than the V-7Z model and can cut bigger branches.

  • Ideal for heavy-duty pruning
  • Ergonomic handle ideal for larger hands
  • Compact, durable design
  • Features replaceable blades
  • 8-inch overall length for easy use and portability

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Pruning Shear V-8Z ARS Japan

Surface Finishing Hard-Chrome Plating
Material High-Carbon Steel
Overall Length (mm) 200
Weight (g) 230

Material: High-Carbon granular spheroid annealing Steel

Soft Grip: From the Ergonomic point of view, the grips of the scissors and shears are designed to reduce the unnecessary burden. However, when it is necessary to cut hard material while holding with full power, it will still be fatigue free.

Non-Symmetric Design: Non symmetry designed grips produce the ergonomic fitting into the users’ hand which has the characteristics of better handling and more cutting force without fatigue in long time usage.

Soft Rubber Shock Absorbing Bumper: It is applied to reduce the kick back impact when cutting off the objects by absorbing with the cushioning system.

Pruning shears, also called hand pruners (in American English), or secateurs, are a type of scissors for use on plants. They are strong enough to prune hard branches of trees and shrubs, sometimes up to two centimetres thick. They are used in gardening, arboriculture, farming, flower arranging, and nature conservation, where fine-scale habitat management is required.

Cutting plants as part of gardening dates to antiquity in both Europe and East Asian topiary, with specialized scissors used for Chinese penjing and its offshoots – Japanese bonsai and Vietnamese Hòn Non Bộ

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