Life cycle of a plant

It would be very interesting to know about the life cycle of a plant- the process of how a simple seed turns into a beautiful flower or a juicy fruit or a healthy vegetable. 

In this article, we will focus on a flower. Yes, a flower! It is beautiful as well a purposeful. It has the ability to bring a smile on anyone’s face with its beauty. It is used to decorate houses or halls for various events. So let us know about the life cycle of such a beautiful object.

Life cycle of a plant
Poppy flower with seeds

The life cycle of a plant starts when a seed falls on the ground. Now we must have a little information about a seed before we step on to the germination stage. A seed holds a miniature plant known as an embryo, which is protected by a tough coat. Seeds have many different kinds of adaptations to help them blow on the wind (parachutes and wings), or be carried by animals (hooks). Seeds carried by water are light and usually float. The flowering plants are the most advanced and widespread due to their amazing ability to attract pollinators and spread seeds.

Life cyce of a plant

The first stage is the germination stage, i.e., sprouting of the seed. The most important factor is the timing. Germinating too early or too late may cause death of the seedling. When a seed arrives at a suitable habitat, it may immediately start to grow. Some seeds, however, need to remain dormant for sometime before they start to germinate. When a seed falls on the ground, it needs warmth and water in order to germinate. Some might also need light.

The first two leaves that emerge out of the seed are known as cotyledons. They look different from the adult leaves. They are green and as soon as they open in the light, the little seedling can begin to make its own food. It then no longer needs to use the food reserves in the seed. The seedling makes it own food using water, carbon dioxide in the presence of air and light, the process of making food is known as photosynthesis. Plants contain chloroplasts in their leaves which convert the energy received from sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into sugar which they use as food. Sugars and starches are changed into energy used to make new plant growth.

Life cycle of a plant
Right conditions are necessary for a seed to germinate

New leaves grow from the top of the stem. After a while, flower buds develop. Inside the bud, a tiny but complete flower forms. The sepals protect the bud before it opens. Over time, the bud opens and blossoms into a mature flower and the sepals look like little green leaves at the base of the flower. The flower is the sexually reproductive part of the plant. The petals of the flower are very attractive, colourful and strongly scented in order to attract pollinators.

Once plants are adult, they can begin to produce flowers. Then comes the process of pollination, the process by which pollen is transferred from the anther (male part) to the stigma (female part) of the plant, thereby enabling fertilization and reproduction. Flowers contain male and female parts. They may either be from the same plant or different plants. But in most plant, they are both together in the same flower. The plant depends on insects, birds, animals, water or other pollinators to carry pollens from the male flower to the female flower.

Life cyce of a plant
Life cyce of a plant

There is also a term known as cross pollination. The transfer of pollen from the flower of one plant to the flower of a plant having a different genetic constitution is known as cross pollination. Pollen grains from the anthers must get into the stigma of a flower of the same kind. It will grow a tube down the ovary and fertilise an ovule inside. This will then grow and form a seed.

Life cycle of a plant
Seeds dispersal aided by wind

Dispersal is the final stage. In this stage seeds are spread and in many different ways. Some like the dandelion seeds are scattered by the wind. Others rely on animals. Water lilies rely on water to spread their seeds. Once the seed touches the ground, the life cycle of a plant starts all over again.

Happy Gardening

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