"The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all- Mulan", I can say this sentence is perfect for Bougainvillea, which is always blooming and bursting with color around the year.
The inconspicuous flowers are surrounded by brightly colored papery bracts, which are purple or magenta to lighter tints in certain varieties. Bougainvillea is native to Brazil and is also known as a ‘Paper flower’.
Bougainvillea are tropical thorny rapid growing ornamental vines and prolific bloomers. Bougainvillea prefers a warm climate, full sun and good drainage.
Depending on the variety, bougainvillea can be grown on a trellis or over an arbor, against a building or fence, in containers, as a hedge, in tree form and as a bonsai.
Bougainvillea can grow anywhere from 1′ to 8′ to 30′, depending on the species or variety. There are actually quite a few dwarf bougainvilleas species also. Some varieties are thorn-less also and some are with variegated foliage and with bi-color flowers.
Caring for a Bougainvillea:
Common Name: Bougainvillea, Paper flower, Kagaz ke phool.
Botanical name: Bougainvillea glabra.
Planting ideas: Bougainvillea can climb up walls and trellises, can be potted in big garden pots and you can hang rows of wire or string against the surface that you want covered.
Category: Shrubs, Tropicals and Tender Perennials, Vines and Climbers.
Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not over water.
Spacing: 6-8 ft. (1.8-2.4 m)
Sun Exposure: Full Sun
Precaution: Plant has spines or sharp edges; use extreme caution when handling
Bloom Color: Magenta (Pink-Purple), Red, Scarlet (Dark Red),White, Orange
Bloom Time: Bloom around the year but profuse blooming during the summer.
Foliage: Evergreen, Smooth-Textured, Variegated.
Soil pH requirements: 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic soil)
Propagation Methods: From herbaceous stem cuttings, From woody stem cuttings, From softwood cuttings, From semi-hardwood cuttings.
Seed collecting: Plants does not set seed, flowers are sterile or plants will not come true from seed.
Special precaution: Bougainvillea plants are prolific growers and need good pruning to force blooming and retain a pretty shape. Wear gloves when pruning bougainvillea. Some people can get a skin rash from pruning bougainvillea, similar to that from poison ivy. Keep a close eye on growth and adjust when necessary until the bougainvillea starts covering the wall or other surface.
Go ahead, plant and enjoy one of the hardiest, low maintenance and ever blooming plant that is the Bougainvillea!
Share any additional/ tips about the Bougainvillea in the comments below.We would love to know more about these beautiful flowers!
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