How To Grow Chives

Common Name: Chives

Botanical Name: Allium schoenoprasum

Indian Names:

Vegetable Type: Bulb vegetable



Chives are a member of the same family which includes onions and garlic. They are known for their pungent smell and distinctive taste. They are a staple in European cuisine, and are also a very nutrient dense food. Chives are also said to have properties which can prevent cancer. The plant has certain properties which repel pests, which make it a valuable addition to your garden regardless of the yield. So let’s take a look at this plant’s main features.

NOTE : You can Chives seeds online from our online garden store – the best place to buy seeds online !

Plant Features

Life Cycle: Perennial

Height: 30-50 cm (12-20 in)

Width: Chives usually grow in clumps which have a spread of around 10-20 cm (4-8 in)

Flowering Season: The plant usually flowers around mid-late spring, i.e. from April-May

Flowers: They produce violet flowers, which are six petaled and edible

Foliage: Medium green, which are hollow and tubular in shape

Chives seeds
Chives seeds

Planting/Growing Details

Sunlight: Chives require full sun, i.e. 6-8 hours of direct sunlight exposure daily

Water: Regular watering intervals, i.e. moist, well-drained soil is required for optimum growth

Sowing Season: The plants can either be started indoors in early spring, or can be directly started in the ground in mid-spring once the soil starts to warm up.

Sowing Method: Seeds should be sown about 0.5 cm in the soil, and they should be spaced about 10 cm apart from each other.

Chives harvest
Chives harvest

Care: Rich soil is required for the upkeep of chives. Make sure to apply a slow grow fertilizer liberally to the plants, with a high nitrogen concentration. Mulch regularly to conserve moisture and control weeds. Once the plant is fully grown, then the fertilization and mulch can be stopped.

Pests: As chives naturally repel most insects, pests are not such a big problem with this particular crop. However, aphids can affect even this crop. The best way to treat this pest is by washing the plant with neem or soapy water.

Chives flowers
Chives flowers

Harvest: Chives should be harvested about 60 days after sowing the seed. Even the flowers can be used in cuisine, as they add a nice color to the dishes. However, in the initial stages of the plant, make sure to remove the flower buds, as they hinder the growth of the stalk, which is mainly used as an herb. You should cut the stalks and the flowers such that about 3-5 cm of the stalk is left in the ground so that the plant can grow, and be harvested once more. After around 3-4 years, a nice small clump of chives will form giving you a nice-sized yield.

Chives seasoning
Chives seasoning

Propagation: Chives are mainly propagated by seeds.

As we can see, these plants do require some intensive care when starting off, however, after time they are quite easy to take care while giving an impressive yield. As they say, ‘No pain, no gain’. Chives not only repel insects from the garden due to the sulphur compounds they contain, but also attract bees due to their vibrant flowers, which helps the overall pollination of all the crops in the garden. So do a favour for your garden and your kitchen, by giving chives seeds a try!

NOTE : You can Chives seeds online from our online garden store – the best place to buy seeds online !

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