No matter how much one loves cooking, there are some things that make one feel like crying when asked to do it. Chopping onions is one of those tasks! (LITERALLY) But, never the less, onions were and will remain an important ingredient in almost everything you cook. Let's have a look at how you can grow onions.
Peas, which rose to fame thanks to Gregor Mendel, whose experiments in genetics started off with the humble snap pea, and the childhood fable classic, ‘The Princess and the Pea’, are also consumed worldwide in a variety of dishes and can appeal to both sweet and savory lovers. The plant is a cool season plant, which give poor yield if planted in the hot summer months. It has a relatively quick harvest, and can be eaten raw or cooked, delectable either way. Let’s take a look at some of its main features.
Radishes are enjoyed around the world, usually in their fresh form in salads, and cooked in various dishes, mainly in Asia. They are known for the fact that their usefulness is not only in their roots and stalk, but also in the leaves as well. Their health benefits are widely documented and are extremely high in Vitamin C, B6, Potassium, Fibre, Folate, and much more.
The sponge gourd, also known as the luffa plant, is famous for its inner sponge, which is used as a handy scrubber primarily for the body, or for countertops, etc. As it is not a typical garden plant, some patience is required for the proper growth and harvest of the luffa. Once harvested the it needs be dried out and the shell can be peeled off, revealing the inner sponge-like texture. It is also used widely in Indian cuisine, in both the southern and northern styles. Here's a quick primer on how to grow sponge gourd.
How do you setup a terrace garden? How do you maintain it ? Step by step instructions for a lovely terrace garden at your home or office.
The Swiss chard is a plant which is quite popular in Mediterranean areas, and can be prepared by either boiling, steaming or roasting. The stalks come in red, white, yellow, and green, but all have a similar slightly bitter taste. Its health benefits are numerous as it is high in vitamins K, A, C, magnesium, potassium, and dietary fibre. Let’s take a look at some of this plant’s main features.
Many studies have shown that one of the leading causes of mental stress and discontent in human beings, is a feeling of disconnect from nature. Turn your home into a green haven, with the help of the following greenery. The following plants are the best fit to make your home feel alive and vibrant, with the space they occupy complemented by their bright colours.
Turnips are cultivated worldwide, as both their taproot and leafy greens are edible. It is considered a nutritional superfood, as it is high in vitamins K, A, C, fibre, calcium, manganese, and folate. They are also used in many different forms in cuisines all over the world. It can be stewed, stir-fried, even juiced in a variety of recipes. While it is known for slight bitterness, many commercial varieties have been bred to take care of this. Let’s take a look at some of the main features of this plant.
Read this simple yet handy guide on how to take care of plants while on vacation and have a relaxing vacation without stressing out about your beloved plants, back home.
Read about growing onion: this wonderful vegetable which has the power to make you teary-eyed with a stroke of a knife.