Guava is also termed as the powerhouse of nutrients. It contains dietary fibre, vitamins, folate, thiamine, and riboflavin. It also contains essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium.
Health Benefits Of Guava
Acts as immunity booster: Vitamin C in guava helps improve immunity and provides protection against common infections and pathogens.
Treats diarrhoea and dysentery: Guava has astringent properties that help treat a number of digestive disorders like diarrhoea and dysentery.
Provides dental care: Guava juice from its leaves has been known to cure toothaches, swollen gums & oral ulcers, and it speeds up the healing process of wounds when applied topically.
The image below explains many more benefits of guava. Check them out as well
Different Names Of Guava
Common names: Guava
Indian names: Amarūda, Sībe
Botanical name: Psidium guavaja
Different Varieties Of Guava:
Guava has many different varieties such as Tropical White, Tropical Pink, Tropical Yellow, Red Malaysian, Lemon Guava
Plant features
Life-Cycle: Perennial
Height: 25 feet (when mature)
Width/Spread: 15 feet (when mature)
Flowering Season: Early to late spring
Flower: White coloured blooms.
Plant Growing Details
Sunlight: Partial sun
Water: Moderately
Sowing season: Spring
Sowing method: Guavas are generally started in nursery pots and then transplanted into soil.
Care: Guava benefits from regular fertilizing, especially before pruning. Guavas can withstand heavy pruning so they are ideal as hedges.
Pests: Thrips, Fruit flies, Root-knot nematodes are pests that are most attracted to guava. These can be eliminated by use of general pesticides.
Harvest: Harvest is usually possible during late summer.
Propagation: Seeds
Hope this brief article gives you knowledge about guava.
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