Allamanda is an easy-to-grow flowering shrub from the tropics that offers a steady display of golden-yellow flowers all spring and summer long. It is considered to be a favourite amongst many plant growers because of its heat tolerance and long-season bloom.

The flowers look like  ‘trumpets’ and ‘bells’,  that can create a musical symphony in your garden.

This spell-bounding beauty grows well in containers and landscapes both.


Common names: Allamanda

Indian names: Pilaghanti, Arasinhu

Botanical name: Allamanda spp.

Varieties: Yellow (single and double, dwarf, bush, wine), Cheery, White, Peach, Chocolate, Cream, Golden-Orange

Design Ideas: Hanging baskets


Life-Cycle: Perrenial

Height: 3 to 5 feet

Width/Spread: 2 to 3 feet wide

Flowering Season: Spring and summer

Flower: Allamanda flower



Sunlight: Partial sun/shade. Can be grown indoors with bright light.

Water: Regularly

Sowing season: Spring

Care: Water regularly, apply nitrogen fertilizer to soil occasionally.

Pests: Aphids and mealybugs; Ward off with general pesticide.

Propagation: Seeds and stem cuttings



The plant contains a poisonous, milky sap – all parts of the plant are considered to be toxic.


Thess plants under ideal conditions, can grow rapidly and get out of control, making pruning essential. Allamanda plants can become shrubs by pruning.


Allamandas are popularly used as ornamental plants. They can be grown in sheltered areas as well as indoors – with care – as potted plants.
 With this, we have come to the end of our blog. We hope that you liked the read, and would want to grow these yellow beauties in your green sphere.


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