The cucumber is a plant whose fruits are usually consumed fresh, and used primarily in salads. Its crunchy texture and water content make it an ideal addition to any salad. It is also one of the few vegetables which is said to have parthenocarpic varieties, which means that they can give fruit without pollination. They are actually more than 90% water, but are also high in vitamin K and potassium, along with low calorie and fat content. Let’s take a look at some of its main features.
The drumstick is the fruit of the Moringa oleifera tree, which is native to northern India. It is a very versatile plant, with many applications, outside of cuisine such as herbal washing, water purification, etc. The nutritional benefits of the plant and its leaves are widespread, as it is extremely high in protein, vitamin A,B1,C along with high content of calcium, and iron. It is usually cultivated on a large scale, but it is also grown individually in some cases. Let’s see some of this tree’s main features.
The vegetable which is the face of the green, healthy, organic revolution is our one and only kale. It is known for its vast health benefits and has been known to help in preventing diabetes, heart disease, improving bone health, digestion, and maintaining healthy skin and hair. It is high in vitamins A, C, and K as well as minerals such as potassium, manganese, iron, copper, and phosphorus. But enough with nutrition, it also tastes great! It can be steamed, boiled, or eaten fresh in salads or sandwiches. So to enjoy this treat, let’s first take a look at the plant’s main features.
Vegetables are classified according to which part of the plant is eaten. Some vegetables fit into more than one category when several different parts of the plant are edible, e.g. both the roots and leaves of beetroot can be eaten.
Lettuce is a crisp, green staple in any salad worldwide. It can also be used in sandwiches, wraps, and other freshly prepared foods. It can also be lightly grilled. The lettuce plant has also been used in medicine in folk methods. It is one of the main plants consumed in any weight loss diet, as it has almost zero calories and no fat. It is also extremely high in vitamin C and protein. Lettuce is also said to help alleviate insomnia. The main features of this plant are as follows.
Mustard is a plant whose seeds are used universally in all cuisines due to its varying tastes and styles. It grows into an impressive looking plant as well. Their health benefits are numerous; no cholesterol, low fat, high protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, Vitamin B, and much more, so feel free to indulge.
No matter how much one loves cooking, there are some things that make one feel like crying when asked to do it. Chopping onions is one of those tasks! (LITERALLY) But, never the less, onions were and will remain an important ingredient in almost everything you cook. Let's have a look at how you can grow onions.
Peas, which rose to fame thanks to Gregor Mendel, whose experiments in genetics started off with the humble snap pea, and the childhood fable classic, ‘The Princess and the Pea’, are also consumed worldwide in a variety of dishes and can appeal to both sweet and savory lovers. The plant is a cool season plant, which give poor yield if planted in the hot summer months. It has a relatively quick harvest, and can be eaten raw or cooked, delectable either way. Let’s take a look at some of its main features.
Radishes are enjoyed around the world, usually in their fresh form in salads, and cooked in various dishes, mainly in Asia. They are known for the fact that their usefulness is not only in their roots and stalk, but also in the leaves as well. Their health benefits are widely documented and are extremely high in Vitamin C, B6, Potassium, Fibre, Folate, and much more.
The sponge gourd, also known as the luffa plant, is famous for its inner sponge, which is used as a handy scrubber primarily for the body, or for countertops, etc. As it is not a typical garden plant, some patience is required for the proper growth and harvest of the luffa. Once harvested the it needs be dried out and the shell can be peeled off, revealing the inner sponge-like texture. It is also used widely in Indian cuisine, in both the southern and northern styles. Here's a quick primer on how to grow sponge gourd.